Social Knitstancing

Like most people right now, we are under a “stay at home” order. The schools have been shut down since March 12th and will be closed until further notice. I suddenly have a lot of free time, since the internship program I was working with shut down for the duration of the outbreak.
I have been using this time to work on projects and other things that I’ve either been putting off or forgetting to do.
I currently have 3 WIPs:
- Sweater
So far I’ve finished the body of the sweater and am almost finished with the left sleeve. The pattern I’m using is Shapely Boyfriend by Stefanie Japel (free pattern)
- Lace Shawl
I’ve just started on Clue 4 of Lankakomero’s Vernal Equinox Shawl (free download).
- Socks
I save this one for when I am tired of the other 2 projects and want something mindless to work on. The pattern I’m using is Vanilla Latte Socks by Virginia Rose-Jeanes.
I also inventoried my yarn, made napkins (post on that coming later this week), and started working on some new patterns for the website.
Non crafty things I’ve done this week:
- Duolingo (I’m on a 115 day streak!)
- Cleaned and organized my desk
- Vacuumed
- Walks with my 2 dogs
Follow me on Instagram @yarnbending to see what I’m working on!