Scrub-ology Yarn Review

This dishcloth set was my Christmas present for my Grandmother. The patterns I used are: Hurdle Stitch Diagonal Dishcloth by Tricots et Creations Isabelle (bottom right), Sandstone Dishcloth by Anastey Lovely (left), & Tribble by Abigail – 1870pearl (upper right) (all of these are free patterns).

The yarn I used is Yarn Bee’s Scrubology Cotton in Al Fresco. I also bought 3 other colorways: Front Porch (for my Mom’s dishcloths) Nice to Meet You, & Summer Song. I was able to make all of the above dishcloths with just 1 ball.
This yarn is a little hard on the hands (especially when you’ve gone from working with silk bamboo yarn to this), but it works really well for dishes and spa facecloths.
It does break easily if you pull on it, so be carful when weaving in ends (this was an issue when I made the Tribble). However, this is not a problem in the finished item. I have made several dishcloths with this yarn and have had no problems with them holding up in the washing machine. Keep in mind that this yarn is 100% cotton, so finished items do shrink slightly when washed.
Let me know if you’ve tried this yarn, & if so, what pattern you used.